Otis Spann - Otis Spann Is The Blues - AudioSoundMusic
Otis Spann - Otis Spann Is The Blues - AudioSoundMusic
Otis Spann - Otis Spann Is The Blues - AudioSoundMusic
Otis Spann - Otis Spann Is The Blues - AudioSoundMusic
Otis Spann - Otis Spann Is The Blues - AudioSoundMusic
Otis Spann - Otis Spann Is The Blues - AudioSoundMusic

Otis Spann - Otis Spann Is The Blues

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Otis Spann (piano and vocals : A1, A3, A5, B1, B3, B5) [click here to see more vinyl featuring Otis Spann]

Robert Lockwood Jr. (guitar and vocals : A2, A4, B2, B4)

Written by Otis Spann (A1, A3, A5, B1, B3, B5), Robert Lockwood Jr. (A2, A4, B2, B4)


1 LP, standard sleeve

Limited edition

Original analog Master tape : YES

Heavy Press : 180g

Record color : black

Speed : 33 RPM

Size : 12'’



Record Press : Pallas

Label : Pure Pleasure Records

Original Label : Candid

Recorded at Fine Recording Studios, New York, August 23rd 1960 by George Piro

Produced by Nat Hentoff

Originally released in January 1961

Re-mastered by Ray Staff at Alchemy

Reissued in 2017


Tracks :

Side A :

1. The Hard Way
2. Take A Little Walk With Me
3. Otis In The Dark
4. Little Boy Blue
5. Country Boy.

 Side B :

1. Beat-Up Team
2. My Daily Wish
3. Great Northern Stomp
4. I Got Rambling On My Mind #2
5. Worried Life Blues



« Otis Spann may not have been the blues, but he was sure close to being the blues pianist. Spann provided wonderful, imaginative, tasty piano solos and better-than-average vocals, and was arguably the best player whose style was more restrained than animated. Not that he couldn't rock the house, but Spann's forte was making you think as well as making you dance, and the tracks on Otis Spann Is the Blues will do both. » AllMusic Review by Ron Wynn

« NOT only is there no doubting that Otis Spann is one of the finest exponents of Chicago Blues piano ever, there can also be little doubt that this record, originally released by Candid Records in 1960, is one of the best recordings of Spann as a front man.

He was normally considered to be Muddy Waters' accompanist and yet he was a great lyrical story teller in the Blues idiom in his own right.  On this recording, he shares vocal duties with Robert Lockwood Junior, who also plays the guitars and the interplay between the two men is tangible. 

The instrumental duet within the track, "Beat Up Team", when Spann says, "Watch out Brother Robert" and launches into a piano solo which is more than ably answered by Lockwood on the guitar, is a joy and during the intro of the following track, "My Daily Wish", the duelling continues in a musical symbiosis which lifts the album well above the ordinary. 

A great example of the genre and some damn fine tunes.  Hard to list stand out tracks as they are all so good, however, "Otis In The Dark" with its piano solo by Spann, "Beat Up Team" and "My Daily Wish" are archetypal Blues songs and the album's closing song, "Worried Life Blues", sums it all up. » Daily Express Review 2014 by Paul Stewart


AllMusic : 4.5 / 5 ,  Discogs : 4.33 / 5

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