Davide Palladin Trio - Gentle Art Of Love (Japanese edition) - AudioSoundMusic
Davide Palladin Trio - Gentle Art Of Love (Japanese edition) - AudioSoundMusic
Davide Palladin Trio - Gentle Art Of Love (Japanese edition) - AudioSoundMusic
Davide Palladin Trio - Gentle Art Of Love (Japanese edition) - AudioSoundMusic
Davide Palladin Trio - Gentle Art Of Love (Japanese edition) - AudioSoundMusic
Davide Palladin Trio - Gentle Art Of Love (Japanese edition) - AudioSoundMusic

Davide Palladin Trio - Gentle Art Of Love (Edition japonaise)

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Davide Palladin, guitar

Massimo Farao', piano [click here to see more vinyl featuring Massimo Farao']

Nicola Barbon, bass

1 LP, standard sleeve

Limited edition

Original Master tape : YES

Heavy Press : 180g

Record color : black

Speed : 33RPM

Size : 12”

Venus Hyper Magnum Sound Direct Mix Stereo


Record Press :  Japanese Pressing

Label :  Venus

Original Label : Venus

Recorded at Riverside Studio in Torino on August 2 & 3, 2017

Engineered by Alessandro Taricco

Produced by Tetsuo Hara

Remastered by Tetsuo Hara

Released in 2018


Tracks :

Side A

  1. Sweet Pumpkins
  2. Beautiful Friendship
  3. Chicago
  4. Gentle Art Of Love


Side B

  1. The Party Is Over
  2. But Not For Me
  3. Body And Soul


Reviews :

After graduating with honors from the A. Buzzolla Conservatory in Adria and then graduating summa cum laude from the G. Frescobaldi Conservatory in Ferrara, Davide Palladin performs and records with many local and international musicians, mainly in the jazz scene. He has also frequently collaborated with various artistic spaces, composing and taking care of music for art exhibitions, performances and theater.

Davide also had the honor of being one of the 10 guitarists invited to play with M° Franco Cerri on the occasion of the "10 Guitars For Franco Cerri": a tribute to the most important guitarist in Italian Jazz history. In 2017 Davide was awarded Best Talent at the Bobby Durham Jazz Camp.


Ratings :

Discogs 4/5

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