William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic
William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic
William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic
William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic
William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic
William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic
William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic
William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP) - AudioSoundMusic

William Hooker - Big Moon (2LP)

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Drums - William Hooker

Bass – Jair-Rohm Parker Wells

Flute – Charles Compo

Percussion – Jimmy Lopez

Piano – Mara Rosenbloom, Mark Hennen

Saxophone – Sarah Manning, Stephen Gauci

Synthesizer – Theodore Woodward

Conductor - William Hooker

Written by William Hooker


2 LP, Gatefold cover, Digital download

Original analog Master tape : YES

Heavy Press : 180g

Record color : black

Speed : 33 RPM

Size : 12'’



Record Press : unspecified

Label : ORG Music

Original Label : ORG Music

Recorded at James Dolan Studios, NYU, New York City

Engineered by Parichat Songmuang

Mastered by Dave Gardner

Originally released in September 21 (as a CD)

Reissued in December 2021 (as an LP)



Side A :

  1. Stations of Power
  2. Right Speech
  3. Ring-Pass-Not

Side B :

  1. Major Planetary Centres
  2. Seven Rays
  3. Sequence of the Form
  4. Synthesis of Understanding



“The moon is a living, breathing being. We should not confuse this fact with thoughts – and doubts. Its force was felt by me some time ago. That was not on some “starry night “ of blissful action. It happens in meditative stance. This takes “light” in forms throughout the annual progressions of life. This artistic effort is my expression of its revelatory power. A power that is Alive. Seeking souls. We give you this. I am extremely happy in This. And was / when I saw – on an extremely clear night – the Big Moon.”  William Hooker

“William Hooker has made his best album yet as a follow up to his critically acclaimed 2019 album ‘Symphonie of Flowers’, also from Org Music. NYC free jazz legend Hooker’s ‘Big Moon’ is a dynamically expressive double album that arrives after over 60 releases and 44 years into his career as a drummer and composer, which includes being a part of the New York No Wave music and spoken word scenes. With a reputation as one of the most innovative composers and drummers of his generation, Hooker does not disappoint on this latest work. Clocking in at 83 minutes in total (depending on the format you’re listening to), Hooker is supported by an adventurous group of new and veteran players which varies throughout the piece, Hooker weaving elements of spiritual and avant-garde jazz with tropical rhythms through eleven movements of a meditative journey: A work that should be ingested and contemplated as one body of work. The release was mastered by Dave Gardner at Infrasonic Mastering. The vinyl release, a double LP, comes housed in a gatefold jacket features poetry from William Hooker.” Psychedelic Baby Magazine, October 22, 2021

Over 60 releases and 44 years into his career as a jazz drummer and composer, William Hooker has made (arguably) his best album yet during the pandemic in 2020, a follow up to his critically acclaimed 2019 album “Symphonie of Flowers". Clocking in at 83 minutes in total (depending on the format you’re listening to), “Big Moon” is as expansive as it is groundbreaking. With a reputation as one of the most innovative composers and drummers of his generation, for those in the know, Hooker does not disappoint on this latest work. Supported by a dynamic group of players which varies throughout the piece, Hooker weaves elements of spiritual and avant-garde jazz with tropical rhythms through eleven movements of the meditative journey that is “Big Moon”; a work that should be ingested and contemplated as one body of work. The release was mastered by Dave Gardner at Infrasonic Mastering, comes housed in a gatefold jacket, and features poetry from William Hooker. Includes digital download.

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